What is the Helping Hand service?

Museums are the gateway to wonderful things, they are not design companies (and most are under staffed). That’s where our Helping Hand service comes in! It gives you unlimited access to the 42Kites tech and design team. Here are just some of the things they will do for you:

  • Edit your video footage and remove John that got fired last year
  • Transcribe audio of that speech the founder gave back in the 70’s
  • Design a custom SmartLinks overlay graphic to make your SmartLinks fancier
  • Create a floor layout map and add the graphics to your Experiences so guests always know where they are
  • Photoshop a banner advertisement so you can collect money from sponsors
  • Help you pick the best location for your SmartLinks
  • and more!

It’s like renting a really smart persons brain, and best of all it’s included with all Premium plans

Think that’s impressive? Take a look a our Always Perfect Guarantee.